Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Weekly Happenings

I'm a little behind on updating, and even if my audience is small, they are still important, and I hate to let them down. I spent a fun week in Houston visiting my family. We ate, shopped, held babies, watched movies, but we never did get in that game of Scrabble (sorry, Mom.) I'll just have to keep practicing for the next visit. For more details on the trip visit Mom's blog. She has already written a nice detailed post about the visit. My visit also coordinated with my best friend's visit which was wonderful! It was nice to converse in person for a change instead of over the phone (as wonderfully convenient as phones might be). Oh yeah--I cut all my hair off too. I finally have a low-maintenance hairdo that is long overdue, if you ask me. It takes me about thirty seconds to dry my hair and that is a dream come true. As much as I love having thick, luscious locks, they are hot and difficult to blow dry. While I was gone Josh stayed behind in Nashville and helped his dad catch up on the yardwork. I definitely got the better end of that bargain.

When I got back I was greeted with a nice phone call from Lifeway informing me they have a job for me. That is an answer to prayer. Starting June 16th, which is also my wedding anniversary, I'll be a real career woman working in Lifeway's customer service department. Now if Josh can get a good job we'll be two for two. We'll just have to keep on praying I suppose.

Before I go check to see if the washing machine is free I'll leave you with a movie tip. One of my favorite things about our netflix account is all the old movies we have access too. I love to watch the old Disney family films from the 60's and 70's. They are all so funny--Josh and I just watched The Happiest Millionare, which is really cute. We fast forwarded through the songs though, because they were corny. Every now and then it's just nice to relax with a wholesome and happy film. You can't go wrong with good ol' Fred McMurray.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Congrats Grad!

This is a couple of weeks overdue, but I wanted to post some pictures of Josh on his graduation day. He looks so handsome! After four years of blood, sweat, and tears, he finally has a college diploma to show for it. I'm so proud of him.