Monday, March 2, 2009

3 Months Left!

I can hardly believe I'm on the last leg of the journey now. I'm encountering new obstacles and new blessings the bigger I get. I can no longer comfortably (or safely) shave my own legs. Josh offered to step in and help, but we're both pretty busy, so I'm wearing a lot of pants these days. Sitting in a folding chair is torture, which makes listening in sunday school much more difficult. On the other hand, Josh has become a very sweet mother hen: he does most of the housework at night and makes me lay on the couch and rest. For some reason I fight him on this almost every night--maybe the hormones are making me irrational. It's also fun to be pregnant enough so strangers notice. I get lots of attention now when I go out in public. And no, no one has touched my belly or told me their labor horror stories--that's probably why I'm still enjoying the attention so much.

Josh and I went to our first childbirth class last week. Most of the people in the class are yuppie couples who work for Vanderbilt (apparently it's a fluke that so many Vandy employees signed up for the same class). There was one hippie couple--he was a former wrestler and she looked like her clothes could have been made from hemp (I'm sure it was a natural fiber). The highlight of the class was the lady who said that the most wonderful thing about being pregnant was "the power of creation." I guess for her pregnancy is the ultimate power trip. There was one couple that was nice and down to earth, of course, Josh already knew them from work. "Ms. Cecil" (she is not even 30) teaches 5th grade at West End.

And...we registered for gifts. I'm very proud of how we did on our registry. We tried very hard to make sure it wasn't very long, and also had a wide variety of prices featured. Baby stuff is so expensive, if you're not careful you can end up with a registry where there aren't any presents under $50, and I'm not exagerrating. Whether we get any presents or not, I think just the act of registering for stuff is fun and special. One of the best parts of being pregnant (I think) is getting to plan for the baby. Josh may have a different opinion next week when we organize his things to make room for Emmie's clothes. Poor guy--he is already outnumbered and our baby girl isn't even here yet! He's very excited I know, but I'm not sure what he's going to do with two women in the house.


Alyssa K. Krebs said...

As soon as she is here he is going to fall in love with both his girls all over again. And she is going to be able to get him to do anything!

Renee @ AddMoreChocolate said...

Wow, girl! You are 2/3 there. Time is flying by. I need to get these clothes shipped to you.

Anonymous said...

I can identify with the woman who called pregnancy the "power of creation." In this power of creation, you and Josh have created this wonderful little girl who will look like someone, or several someones, in each of your families; and thus, you have created another limb on the family tree. You have also created a family unit for which you are responsible for seeing that certain family traditions and stories are carried on to the next generations. And, all of this was made possible by the "ultimate" Creator, God, who guides your every step.

I just can't wait. Love, Mawmaw

Josh Krebs said...

I am sure it won't be that bad organizing my stuff to fit in Emmeline's. I mean, as long as I get to keep that one shelf in the top of the linen closet for my hobby stuff (I really do try to keep it off our towels) and atleast one of my three dresser drawers then I will be fine.

Taras and Kelly said...

It's going by fast, isn't it? You know, we need to actually hang out sometime before our baby girls arrive. And we have to take at least one photo to document the fact that we're both pregnant at the same time. :o)

By the way, where did you guys register? We need to do that sometime soon, too. Let me know if you have any tips!