Thursday, March 12, 2009

We do non-baby related things too!

Josh has been painting some furniture for me, and I wanted to show you some pictures of his handiwork, but I always forget to take pictures when I get home, so I'm giving up and writing anyways. He really has done a very good job--he made me a headboard for our bed (he took a picket fence and painted it barn red--it's very cute!) and he painted our desk green (he's going to stencil flowers on it for me too). It pays to have a handy husband. We realized that the only two pieces of furniture we own that we paid more than $100 for are our couch and our bed. Of course, we haven't bought curtains yet either (probably because they will cost us more than $100--are you sensing a trend here?).

It was a beautiful day here last Saturday so we went on a spur of the moment hiking trip at Percy Warner park. Everybody was there with their labradors, german shepherds, and golden retrievers. Yes, Percy Warner park is no place for yappy dogs. Josh said when we were through with the 3 (?) mile hike that I can now tell people that I hiked a 600 ft peak while I was 6 months pregnant wearing flip flops. I don't think I'll brag about the flip flops. That was an accident--I didn't know we were going to be hiking, so I didn't put on sneakers--and I started to regret my choice of footwear about halfway through.

And because I seem to enjoy writing three paragraphs at a time, here's some more news for you. I've had to cut back on the amount of news I read. I started paying alot more attention to current events when I started working, because I had the time and I was always sitting at the computer with internet access. Unfortunately, this hasn't exactly been good for me. Really, not everyone can handle being well informed. The more and more I know about what's going on in the world, the more pessimistic I get. Then, one day I read an article about some Russian scholar who said predicted the U.S. would fall apart by 2010 and Russia and China would become the new world powers. Now, every piece of bad news I read is just more evidence that we're all going to hell in a handbasket and pretty soon Russia will take over and no one will have clean towels anymore.*

It's a good thing I didn't marry a politician, because I am going to have to find some other way to fight the culture war--a way that doesn't involve me needing to know very much about current events and public policy. I know! I will have more than two children and I won't put any of them in public school. Yes, that will do for a start at least.

In the meantime--why doesn't anyone write about good news anymore? It's all death, dying, and despair. Journalists must be very unhappy people.

*I don't know how in my mind communism became equated with dirty towels. You can hazard a guess if you want to, but I think it might be safer to leave that one untouched.


Josh Krebs said...

Who knows how dirty towels and communism became associated in your mind, probably a movie, but I think that homeschooling is big enough of a culture war to fight. And yes, you did in fact hike up the side of a 600 ft hill and hike a total of 2.5 miles. I was very impressed, but most of the women we passed stared at me like I was trying to kill you.

Renee @ AddMoreChocolate said...

Is that the park where we enjoyed our brunch from The Loveless Cafe? Beautiful!

I can't wait to see pics of the furniture. Post, post!


PS- I make it a habit not to touch dirty towels either.
PPS - MaMa told me she wished Josh luck with his "male model" blog. Yes, that's what she said! LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed. 2.5 miles in flip-flops on even ground is impressive to me. Dirty towels and communism... If you had ever been in a Russian Airport (I have.) you would know that you have to pay the little lady at the door to the restroom to get in and then she gave you a towel--clean hopefully, but you never know. Traveling Mercies for Saturday. Love, Mawmaw

Alyssa K. Krebs said...

I am very impressed. I make it a point to leave news alone unless Daddy tells me I should read something. I wish the weather would make up it's mind. This back and forth thing is annoying.

Anonymous said...

There are some 'good news' sites. Try going to and then look at the categories along the right side.