Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Happy birthday to me!

I don't know why, but twenty-three feels like an old number. It's such a serious sounding number. When I say "I'm twenty-three" I feel like what I'm really saying is "I have a college degree, a career, and a professional wardrobe, I go to bed early, and I can no longer related to those crazy kids. Would you be interested in hearing my five year plan?"

Ehh, that's ok...at least twenty-three is more interesting than twenty-two. All twenty-two said was, "I'm divisible by eleven!"

I apologize, folks. I had several topics in mind I wanted to write about, and any one of them would probably have been more interesting than "Katie's psychology of numbers."

I was going to tell you that I have started scrapbooking our wedding pictures. It's the easiest scrapbook I've ever made, because the pictures are so gorgeous, they don't need any embellishment! I can't wait to finish it so that finally, more than a year after my wedding, I will be able to show off my pictures. Except now people probably don't care about my pictures anymore. Darnit!

Also, I made fresh salsa the other night, and it was so good I made it again. Then I realized that both times I had made it I left out an ingredient (same ingredient both times). So, I like the way it tastes, which should lead me to conclude that it's good, it doesn't need improving, and I should just enjoy it the way it is. Instead, every time I eat the salsa I start to wonder, "What if what I think is great really is great, but it's not as great as something greater?" (I copped that quote from a movie...anyone know which one?).
I've decided I'll have to make it correctly at least one time, just to set my wandering taste buds to rest once and for all.

Josh and I discovered that there is a 10,000 Villages store here in Nashville. We went in to explore because Josh didn't know what it was. It turned out that they were having an "Earth Friendly Entertaining Event", and there was a drawing accompanying said event, which I (actually Josh) won, and I got a free cookbook out of the deal! I was excited because it was a $22 cookbook, and so regardless of whether it's any good or not--but I'm sure at least some of it will be--I still won $22.

Josh and I have started exploring Nashville on the weekends. We aren't completely consistent, but we're trying to find something new to see or do every weekend. This weekend we're going to the Farmer's Market. I've been asking him to take me for a while. Maybe the next time I write I'll have stories about our ecologically friendly adventure!


Alyssa K. Krebs said...

Happy Birthday! 23 isn't old by the way. As for your pictures, well I still can't wait for you to finish your scrapbook! Have a great day! I'll see you tonight!

Renee @ AddMoreChocolate said...

1. I will always care about your wedding pictures. I paid for them. I love them.

2. You are on quite the winning streak my dear! First Shirley MacLaine and now eco-friendly cookbooks.

3. No clue on the movie quote.

4. 23 is a beautiful number. Enjoy your day :-)


Kelly said...

23 is a lovely number. My 23rd year was quite extraordinary, being the year I married Taras. I loved telling people I was 23. I liked 24, too. Even that didn't really feel old. Now I'm halfway through my 25th year, and somehow "I'm 25" has started sounding like "I'm half of 50" for some reason. Maybe I just don't get enough rest to feel young anymore.

By the way, I am still interested in your pictures. I want to see your scrapbook! Maybe it will motivate me to scrapbook my wedding pictures before my third anniversary rolls around. :o)

Kelly said...

P.S. I have decided I should spend more time with you. Maybe I would start winning stuff. :-P

Katie Krebs said...

The quote is from The Wedding Planner. Remember the scene where Matthew McConahey (how DO you spell that name?) on the golf course?
And technically, Josh won the cookbook, but only because I made him fill out the scavenger hunt so as to increase MY chances of winning. So I like to take credit for it. :-)

Josh Krebs said...

23 isn't old, its just mature. ;-)