Wednesday, September 3, 2008

This and that...shouldn't I be in bed right now?

No answers to the above question; it's almost 10 pm, Josh thinks I might be getting sick, I have to get up early for work in the morning...fabulous! It's the perfect time to start writing!

By now you probably all know this, but our Labor Day weekend wasn't what we'd expected. We ended up spending the weekend in Houston for my grandfather's funeral. He will be missed, but this isn't "goodbye", just "see you later". I expect when we do meet again he'll have a smile and a joke, just like always.

In the meantime, it was good to see family last weekend, even under the circumstances. I'm thankful for the extra time in Houston, but I've learned that one weekend is just enough time to remind you how much you miss your family but not enough time to really get to see them much. When will they learn that they need to move to Nashville?! I tossed around the whole "move to Houston" idea that everyone keeps suggesting, but really, if you've been to both cities and you are able to compare, Nashville is just a nicer town. Even considering how great Texas is, it's nice to live in a city that has more than one city park. And the people are nicer. Living in TN has shown me just how un-southern Houston truly is (and I can't speak for the rest of TX, but I have my suspicions).

Of course, the great thing about Houston is the people who are in it, so I'm working on a plan to transplant all of my favorite people to one spot, sort of like a mini-rapture. You'll know if I ever get it to work, but you might want to have some bags packed just in case.

Considering that I just compared myself to God, I don't think this particular post can go anywhere good, and if I continued with the above line of thought I would probably end up writing things like, "take, read, the words of my blog!" and "those who read my words and ignore her who wrote them will not be my friend and will not be included in the coming rapture."

Yes, it's probably good that I ended the post before I wrote anything sacreligious like that.

P.S. If you're scared of lightning, you may not want to sleep to close to me tonight.


Renee @ AddMoreChocolate said...

Are you post-mil or a-mil?
Neither. I'm mini-mil! :-)

Your Maxi-Mom

PS...You sure are funny when you're sick and tired!

EuroMom said...

Katie, it was good to see you and Josh, despite the circumstances. And I think you are right about your grandfather and a smile and a joke. I love that he was always smiling.

Now, Josh and I had a discussion about this whole southern thing. I always thought I was from the south and then I visited my husband's family in GA and realized they really didn't think I was from the south but then they are really British so what do they know?

Josh Krebs said...

I would sleep next to you no matter what! Not even the threat of lightening can stop me! ;-)