Friday, July 24, 2009

This Little Piggy?

Motherhood does some funny things to your brain cells. For instance, here is the version of "This Little Piggy" that I have so sweetly been reciting to Emmeline recently:

This little piggy went to market.
This little piggy had none.
This little piggy had roast beef.
This little piggy had none.
And this little piggy went wee, wee, wee--all the way home.


Josh Krebs said...

Sometimes piggies drink lots of water...sometimes they can't hold it...don't judge the little piggy.

Renee @ AddMoreChocolate said...

You know, it took me a couple of reads before I figured out where you went wrong with this rhyme. I doubt Emmie will mind.

Alyssa K. Krebs said...

Haha. I think that little piggy was a baby piggy and like Josh said shouldn't be judged. :-)

Lynne said...

I'm up late at night, having contractions (which has happened every night for a week), and it took me probably 10 read-throughs to figure out what was wrong.

I'm pretty sure Emmie won't mind. *grin*

Melissa Money said...

Yeah, I still don't get it...this third-trimester brain is failing me. It can't be that bad, right?