Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Halfway done and counting...

It seems that time has been getting away from me. I'm halfway through my pregnancy and I haven't written anything pregnancy related on my blog since I made the first announcement. The baby will be here before we know it and my poor blog readers would be none the wiser. I can hardly believe it, but I'm four and a half months pregnant. Time has been speeding by so fast I feel like I just found out yesterday. The first trimester didn't have any newsworthy events, unless you consider some extra pimples and more exhaustion newsworthy. Granted, I did have acne on my neck that kind of looked like vampire bites--maybe I should have posted about that, eh? My back did bother me more than usual, and that meant I had trouble sleeping at night, so I was pretty tired all the time. However, I was so grateful to not have any morning sickness to deal with that I felt like I'd be whining if I complained too much about my little problems. And therefore, the blog went ignored. And now that I've caught you up on the last three months, let's move on to the good stuff, shall we? Now that I am actually visibly pregnant, I have to admit that I spend alot of time staring at myself in the mirror, because I can't believe it's really me that looks like that. The fun part of that is now I get to wear maternity clothes! After over a month of nothing fitting (I had two pairs of pants and a couple of shirts that I wore ALL THE TIME) it's nice to have cute clothes that are actually comfortable to boot. I think part of the pregnancy "glow" is just sheer relief that I have outfits in my closet to choose from! My mom took me shopping for maternity clothes when they were in town and I had a great time picking things out with her. The weird part about actually having a belly now is that it gets in the way! It still feels so early to me, but already it's harder to do things like bend over, sit on the floor, or roll over in bed at night. I have to admit, I feel ridiculous. Call me naive, but I thought it was only the women who were "really pregnant" that had trouble doing those things. I figured that gave me at least a couple of more months. And oh yes, I got a prenatal yoga dvd, and it's really funny to see those pregnant women in their unitards doing all of the yoga poses. At least I thought it was funny until I was really sore after I did the workout the first time! I guess I have alot of progress to make before May 25 gets here! That's all the news for now, but we find out the sex of the baby tomorrow (YAY!!) so you can expect another post pretty soon. And here's my week 20 picture:

My project for next week is to find a better backdrop! That white wall would wash anyone out.
Thanks for reading!


Cindy Marsch said...

Great photo, and you coordinate with your blog background, even if not with your wall. :-)

Bethany Grace Krebs said...

You look so cute Katie! We are all anxious to find out what the little baby is, Mama is giddy. :)Love you! Talk to you soon.

Alyssa K. Krebs said...

You are really cute Katie! We all can't wait until tomorrow! I know you and Josh are so excited!
Love you!

EuroMom said...

Katie, you look beautiful1